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24 October 2023

Leading the Flow with Valve Technology: Join HANDA Valves at the PCV Expo Journey!


Dear HANDA Valves users and friends,


We are thrilled to announce that HANDA VALVE will be attending the PCV Expo in Moscow from the 24th to the 26th of October 2023. We will be making an exciting appearance with our all-new product lines – The Triple Offset Butterfly Valves and a variety of Ball Valves.


Committed to innovation for your needs, we are looking forward to showcasing our deep commitment to the philosophy of “innovation”. Be it the on-site industrial display or the unveiling of our novel products, we are keen on delivering the fullest possible experience, ensuring your expectations match with our realities.


As leaders of hydraulic systems globally, we are set to display our state-of-the-art Triple Offset Butterfly Valves and a variety of Ball Valves at the PCV Expo. These highly efficient and stable valve products, crafted with cutting-edge technology, offer stellar user experiences. The Triple Offset Butterfly Valve, renowned for its excellent performance, has become the equipment of choice in numerous industries. And our Ball Valves have widely received customer recognition due to their notable cost-performance and high reliability.


We cordially invite you to join us and experience our products firsthand. Let HANDA VALVE lead you into a future filled with endless possibilities. Together, we can explore the potential of innovative technology to boost efficiency, reduce risk and make a giant, sustainable contribution to society.


More importantly, we look forward to establishing deeper relationships with you, understanding your needs, and addressing your challenges – that’s what we stand for at HANDA VALVE.



We are at booth number [H502], do visit us. Your participation is our utmost honor. Together, let’s chart the future of intelligent manufacturing on the stage of PCV Expo!



With sincere anticipation,

Thank you

The Management and Staff


HANDA Valves, Triple Offset Butterfly Valves, Ball Valves, PCV Expo, Industrial Valves, High-Performance Valves, Valve Technology, Hydraulic Systems, Innovative Manufacturing, Valve Solutions, Valve Design, Efficient Valve Systems, Reliable Valves, Valve Manufacturing, Valve Products, Hydraulic Equipment, Industrial Equipment, Cutting-Edge Valve Technology, Valve Industry Innovations, High Reliability Valve, Cost-Performance Valves, Valve Manufacturing Excellence, Future of Manufacturing, Shanghai Rogers Valves, Valve Exhibition, Valve Show Moscow, ROVV Valves, Hydraulic Industry Development, Sustainable Valve Manufacturing, Valve Engineering Solutions,RUSSIA, MOSCOW


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我们诚挚地邀请您参加即将在2024年8月26日至29日举行的北海(挪威)国际海洋石油天然气展览会(ONS 2024)。本届展会以“想象未来”为主题,旨在号召全球领导者共同探讨加速解决气候问题的方案和政策,携手应对安全挑战,并利用科技的力量实现更美好的未来。 翰达高性能蝶阀将于此次展会上隆重亮相。我们的产品以其卓越的密封性、耐腐蚀性和高精度控制著称,完美契合本次展会主题中的四大支柱:行动、创新、合作和愿景。我们相信,翰达高性能蝶阀将为您的能源项目提供可靠支持,助力您在未来的能源领域中取得更大的成就。 此外,我们还将展示以下产品: 风能和石油设备紧固件 精密加工件 金属密封圈 我们诚挚地邀请您光临北海国际海洋石油天然气展览会(ONS 2024),与我们共同探讨能源行业的最新发展和未来趋势。 请莅临翰达高性能阀门展位,了解我们的创新产品如何助力您的业务腾飞。 时间:2024年8月26日至29日 地点:挪威斯塔万格 展位号:Hall 5, Booth 5282 期待您的光临!

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